Israeli soldiers stationed around the illegal settlement of Har-Homa, which separates the West Bank city of Bethlehem from Jerusalem, opened
fire at three Palestinian workers on Monday afternoon and took one
of them prisoner after chasing the three for some time.

A solider open fired at the three workers who tried to run away. When soldiers chased them, army jeeps and troops stormed the areas of the city close to the settlement and managed to capture one who was handcuffed and taken to an unknown location. The remaining two managed to escape, local sources reported.

Army sources reported that soldiers chased the three workers because they did not stop when solders shouted at them while they jumped over the electric barbed- wire fence and ran away. Names have not yet been issued at the time of this report.

The construction of the wall, checkpoints and one large Jewish
settlement has separated the city of Bethlehem from Jerusalem, forcing
workers to cross the fence surrounding the settlement to reach their
jobs in Israel.  To cross legally, Palestinians must apply for a
permit, which either takes too long or is not granted at all.