Palestinian deputy Prime Minister, Nasser Ed-Deen Al Sha'er, was
released on Wednesday after the Israeli Petah Tikva court ordered his
release. Yet, Al Sha'er will not be allowed to enter Ramallah, the
center of the Palestinian Government offices, and will not be allowed
to leave the Palestinian territories until October 15.

Al Sha'er is the deputy of Ismail Haniyya, who is not allowed to leave Gaza. He headed back home in Nablus, in the norther part pf the West Bank.

The court decided to release Al Sha'er because it did not found “enough evidence” to keep him imprisoned.

On Tuesday, the Salem Israeli Military Court indefinitely extended the remand of 23 Hamas legislators who are currently held prisoners in Israeli prisons.

The Salem court claimed that the detained 21 Hamas legislators are “members of a terrorist organization” and pose a threat to Israel's security.

Israeli court orders the release of Palestinian deputy Prime Minister
Saed Bannoura – IMEMC & Agencies, 14:51

The Petah Tikva Israeli court ordered on Wednesday the release of the
detained Palestinian Deputy Prime Minister, Nasser Ed-Deen Al Sha'er,
after one month in detention. The court said in its ruling that there
was not enough evidence to keep him imprisoned. 

Al Sha'er was taken prisoner by the Israeli forces on August 19 after he was put on Israel's “wanted “ list. Israeli soldiers arrested in late June dozens of Hamas legislators and cabinet ministers. Al Sha'er was not at home when the army abducted the officials, but he was arrested in August 19.

Two-third of the Hamas legislators remain in Israeli prisons after they were abducted by the Israeli forces following an attack carried by resistance fighters against a military base across the Gaza border, and abducted an Israeli soldier identified as Gilad Shalit.

Currently, 32 Hamas legislators are still illegal imprisoned by Israel. Last Monday, the Ofer Israeli military court in the occupied West Bank, reversed a decision to release 21 of the detained legislators on bail, ordering their continued detention until the end of judicial proceedings against them.

The Israeli military prosecution charged the 21 legislators of “membership of a terrorist group, and posing threat on Israel's security”.