For the fourth time in two weeks, five groups of military patrols invaded Bethlehem and the surrounding areas Thursday night, according to Palestinian security sources and eyewitnesses.
Israeli forces entered from several directions throughout the city,
including the Church of Nativity area and Baab Askak area, blocking the
main crossroads of Bethlehem City. 

Soldiers also broke into residents’ homes and searched them.  At one
home, soldiers blindfolded and bound one young man and took him from
his father’s home to an unknown location. 

Israeli forces also invaded Obeidiya village, south east of Bethlehem,
during the early morning hours.  Soldiers erected flying checkpoints
and raided homes in the city center, forcing residents out into the
public square.

In a village nearby, Israeli soldiers arrested a 22 year old
Palestinian policeman and took him to an unknown location.  His
identity is unknown.

Sourced from PNN