The chaotic situation in the Palestinian Authority contnue as a result of the financial crisis in the Palestinain terretories.  Unknown gunmen set two local buses on fire in the West Bank city of Nablus Tuesday afternoon, local sources reprorted.


One of the buses was a school bus, and the other was a regular one. and both were completly damaged because of the fire. No one was injured as the buses were empty when attacked. 

Earlier in Nablus unknown gunmen set fire in a cultural center in southern part of the city after  intense clashes between Hamas and Fatah supporters.  Seven residents were wounded, three of them critically.

Clashes erupted few days ago between Palestinian security forces who took to the streets in demonstrations demanding to be paid for the past seven months.

The demonstrating security forces members clashed with the Hamas-affiliated executive force in Gaza Strip resulting in several casualties.  

Clashes between Hamas Fatah supporters calmed down on Monday evening after several meetings between the two rival parties with an egyptian mediation to end the street fights. 

Palestinian Authority employees have been on strike since almost four months to protest against the Hamas Governemnt who failed to pay their salaries for the past seven months because of the  economic sanctions imposed on the Palestinain Governemnt by the USA and Israel.

 Meanwhile, Israel continue to hold some $480 million dollars in tax revenue due to the Palestinian Authority since March, which if released, the PA will be able to pay a big portion of the unpaid salaries.