Mohammad Sa'adah, 22, was shot and killed on Monday afternoon by
Israeli soldiers stationed at the Huwwara military checkpoint south of the
West Bank city of Nablus.

Soldiers did not release the body of Sa'adah for some time then gave his body over to a Palestinian ambulance that took him to Rafidia Hospital in the city. Sa'adah is a redident of Tall village near the city of Nablus.

Local sources said that Israeli soldiers are holding scores of Palestinian civilians at the Huwwara checkpoint and the nearby Beit Iba checkpoint. Soldiers closed the two checkpoints after the incident.

The Israeli army claimed that Sa'adah ran towards the soldiers at the checkpoint and tried to attack them with a knife.  Soldiers then opened fire at him and killed him.

Eyewitnesses at the checkpoint said that the Sa'adah ran towards a car at the checkpoint when he was shot by a number of soldiers. They said that he was not holding a knife as the soldiers claimed. 

However, soldiers insisted that they found the knife in his clothes after killing him while searching the body.