Israeli soldiers assassinated on Tuesday evening two Palestinians,
including one fighter, in Al Ein refugee camp in Nablus city, in the
northern part of the West Bank. The two were assassinated by
under-cover forces of the Israeli army, local sources reported.

The sources stated that an under-cover unit of the Israeli army infiltrated into Nablus using a local-licensed vehicle, ambushed the two and opened fire at them.

The two were identified as Adel Abu Al Reesh, 24, and his cousin Firas Abu Al Reesh, 22. Both were hit by several rounds of live ammunition fired at them from a close range.
The assassination was carried out during evening hours as the residents were preparing to end their fasting day of the holy  Muslim month of Ramadan.

Also on Tuesday, soldiers shot and killed three residents  in Qabatia town, in the northern part of the West Bank.

Two of the casualties were children aged 15 and 17. Mohammad Ikmiel, 15, was killed when a round of live ammunition hit him in his throat, and resident Hani Khalil Al Samady, 17, was shot by a live round in his heart.

The two were hit after the army invaded the town and clashed with dozens of youth who hurled stones at them. Ten residents, mainly children, were injured.

Medical sources reported that most of the injuries were in the upper body-parts, especially in the chest.

On Tuesday morning, soldiers backed by twenty armored vehicles and jeeps invaded the town and exchanged fire with resistance fighters. One resident identified as Omar Al Saho, 18, was killed by military fire.

Moreover, one resident identified as Khaled Salim Nazzal, 48, was taken prison and moved to an unknown destination.