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Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre  for Monday October 23th, 2006.

Seven Palestinians killed today in Beit Hanoun with at least thirty injured, Israeli soldiers invade Tammoun village, killing one.  These stories and more coming up stay tuned.

The Gaza Update

Palestinian medical sources reported on Monday afternoon that seven Palestinians were killed and at least thirty were injured by Israeli military fire from under-cover forces that infiltrated the town of Beit Hanoun, in northern Gaza.  Among the casualties was the local leader of the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad.  Eyewitnesses reported that the under-cover forces occupied a building south of Beit Hanoun, and shot and killed Atta Shanbari, leader of the Al Quds Brigades in the northern part of the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian WAFA News agency reported that troops opened fire at a funeral taking place at the Shanbari family home in Beit Hanoun, killing six mourners, and injuring at least thirty, four seriously.  The six who were killed were Khaled Shanbari, Mohammad Fuad Shanbari, Ibrahim Fuad Shanbari, Kamal Adnan Shanbari,  Riyadh Shanbari and Rami Mousa Hamdan.  All were members of the same family.

At least thirty residents were injured, some seriously.  Hospitals in Beit Hanoun appealed to residents to donate blood especially type O Negative.

After the undercover unit was exposed, the Israeli army invaded Beit Hanoun from the south-eastern side to secure the retreat of the under-cover forces.

In the southern part of the Gaza Strip, two Palestinians were reportedly injured in separate clashes with the army.

In the West Bank today, Israeli soldiers invaded Tammoun village, near the West Bank city of Tubas.  Israeli soldiers shot and killed one resident, injured at least seventeen, and took four residents, including three brothers, as prisoners, Palestinian medical sources reported.  The sources stated that Mohammad Abdul-Fattah Bani Odeh, 22, was shot and killed by a bullet in his head.

Bani Odeh, a member of the Al Aqsa brigades, the armed wing of Fateh, was first transferred to a clinic in the town, and was later moved to a hospital in Jenin, where he died of his wounds.  The Ramattan news agency reported that soldiers exchanged fire with resistance fighters of the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, after invading the town using armored vehicles and jeeps.

Soldiers surrounded a building where the fighters were hiding and exchanged fire with them, the agency added. Also, soldiers broke into dozens of homes and searched them after forcing the families out. One resident, identified as Murad Bani Odeh, allegedly a member of the Al Quds Brigades, was taken prisoner after soldiers surrounded his home. Also, three brothers were  taken prisoner on Sunday night during the ongoing military attack.

The three brothers, identified as Tareq, Mohammad and Ziad Suleiman, were taken prisoner and moved to an unknown location. The invasion is ongoing.  So far, seventeen residents have been injured, some seriously. The town is currently surrounded while dozens of military vehicles and jeeps are inside the town's perimeters.

Unknown gunmen killed Mukafeh Doghless, 25, an Al-Aqsa Brigades fighter, in the West Bank city of Jericho late Sunday night. Security sources in Jericho reported that two unknown gunmen riding a motorcycle opened fire at Doghless and killed him; the gunmen then rushed away. Palestinian police and security forces rushed to the scene and launched a wide scale search campaign.

A group of unknown gunmen shot and killed Ala Mubarak in the West Bank city of Tulkarem late Sunday night. Mubarak was an officer in the Palestinian security forces in Tulkarem. Eyewitnesses said that the gunmen opened fire at Mubarak and fled the scene. Police and security forces rushed to the scene while scores of local youth took to the streets and closed some main roads in the city in protest of the attack.


Thank you for joining us from Occupied Bethlehem. You have been listening to Palestine Today from the International Middle East Media Centre, brought to you by  Melissa Simpson & Ghassan Bannoura.