Israeli forces invaded the city of Nablus, north of the West Bank and took eight residents prisoner on Wednesday morning.

The invasion targeted residents' houses in the old town area of the city and some homes in Balata and Askar refugee camps. Troops attacked residents' houses and searched and ransacked them before taking the eight to unknown location.

Local sources said that the eight are known as Abd Al Majeed AL Khndakji, and his brother Taymor, Jihad Al Sa'eh, Tha'er Joda, Imad Hannon, Ramzi Al Saka and Hussin Makhluf. All are from Nablus city. Troops also took Nidal Abu Issa, the general Fatah secretary, from his home in Askar refugee camp.

Residents said that army bulldozers and Hummers damaged some of the civilian cars parked on the stree and some front doors of shops before leaving and taking the eight to unknown locations.