Former Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qurei is among the members of a
new committee formed between Hamas and Fateh factions to hash out
details of the new coalition government. Leftist Legislative Council
deputy and head of the Palestinian National Initiative, Dr. Mustafa
Barghouthi gave details on Friday.

The task of the committee is to discuss the specifications for the unity government that were established between President Mahmoud Abbas, Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya, and head of the Hamas Political Bureau living in exile in Syria, Khalid Mashal.

Dr. Barghouthi said that in addition to Qureia, who is also a Fateh Central Committee member, taking a major role in the new committee, Hamas member Khalil Abu Eisha is also heavily involved.

Dr. Barghouthi said, “The talks are underway not only for forming the new government but on the subject of a comprehensive national agreement, also looking to revive the Palestine Liberation Organization, and a meeting of the Palestinian National Council to be held at the beginning of next year.”

The committee is also slated to discuss the prisoner exchange in the meeting scheduled for Sunday.

Dr. Barghouthi will also be traveling to Damascus on Monday to meet with Khalid Mashal where the two will discuss the current recent events in Gaza and Ramallah.