Sunday evening, leaders of Hamas and Fateh movements met in order to
finalize the details of the upcoming National Unity Government. The
meeting was held at the presidential headquarters in Gaza with the
participation of legislative council members Dr. Mustafa Barghouthi and
Ziad Amro, and senior representatives of Fateh and Hamas.

The meeting was described as positive, and the parties decided to hold another meeting on Sunday at night but without the presence of the Press.

Meanwhile, Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya, said that the name of the new government head will be announced in the proper time and through official statements.

Haniyya added that president Mahmoud Abbas confirmed that talks with the United States and the European Union are taking place in order to lift the embargo as soon as the new government is instated.

A senior Hamas member stated that the second meeting will include detailed talks on distributing the parliamentarian posts, ministries, authorities and naming the ministers in addition to all issues that would guarantee the success of the National Unity Government.  

He added that the new government would not be announced before the name of the assigned Prime Minister is agreed upon. 

Ahmad Qurei, from Fateh party, said that the talks are taking a serious and positive track, and added that there are some issues that still need to be resolved. 

“The serious work to form the new government has started”, Qurei stated, “This government will be able to end the siege, and hold its responsibilities; it will be fully supported by Fateh, Hamas and the rest of the national and Islamic factions”.