Sa’eed Hajuj, 20 was killed by in the Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahia, Saturday morning.  An undercover Israeli army unit invaded the town and positioned in a civilian house that belongs to Khader Suleiman, in the town. 


Eyewitnesses said that troops opened fire at Hajuj from the occupied house when he was standing in front of his house.  They confirmed that there was not exchange of fire when Hajuj was shot.

Medical sources reported that Hajuj was killed by live ammunition, and that they were not allowed to reach him and was left to bleed to death.

Two other residents were injured and moved to a nearby hospital when army tanks, positioned in the outskirts of the northern part of the Gaza Strip, opened its heavy machine gun fire at residents' houses in Beit Lahia also causing damage to the property.

Israeli air force carried two separate attacks that targeted a house and a charitable society in Gaza City late Friday night, the two structures sustained serious damage but no injures were reported.