Friday evening, a group  of setter youth hurled stones at an UNRWA bus
as it was driving in a Jewish street in Jerusalem; damage no the
vehicle was reported, no injuries.

The agency said that 54 employees of the Jerusalem headquarters on the UNRWA were heading back to their houses in Jerusalem and Bethlehem. The employees work at the UNRWA Sheikh Jarrah office in Jerusalem.

An UNRWA employee from Beit Sahour town, near Bethlehem, told the IMEMC that the bus was driving in Road Nr. 1, which is a Jewish area, and heading towards Sheikh Jarrah.

“Some Jewish children, not more than 13 or 14 hurled stones at the bus”, the employee stated, “one of the side windows of the bus was broken”.

The Israeli police arrived at the scene and said they they “would probe the incident”.

The employee also said that an UNRWA team also arrived at the scene and took pictures of the attacked bus.

The driver of the bus, Daoud Abu Teir, from Jerusalem, was asked to head to the Jerusalem Police Headquarters to file a complaint.