Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyya arrived on Thursday noon in
the Iranian capital, Tehran, and was received by the Iranian
vice-president. On Friday Haniyya said that his government will not
recognize Israel since it occupies Palestine. Talking to worshiper in a
Tehran mosque, Haniyya said that the government “will continue its
struggle to liberate Jerusalem”.

On Thursday Haniyya was received by the Iranian Vice president Parviz Davoodi and is slated to meet with the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the current Supreme Leader of Iran Ayatollah Ali Khamenei.

Haniyya will meet on Friday with Hamas leaders stationed in Tehran.

On Friday, Haniyya said that Tehran is the “a strategic depth, and a “longtime ally” of Hamas movement.

Haniyya will cut his visit to Iran and return to the Gaza Strip next week as a result of the conflicts on the formation of a National Unity Government, and the recent differences regarding the continuation of truce with Israel as a result of the continuous military offensives.

Recently, several Israeli officials demanded the Israeli government not to allow Haniyya back into the Gaza Strip.

Moreover, the Sudan president Omar Al Basheer is expected to attempt mediation between Fateh and Hamas in order to resolve their differences and form the National Unity Government, the Ramattan News Agency reported.