The Tulkarem office of the Palestinian Prisoner Society (PPS) reported
that the detainee in Al Jalama Israeli detention and interrogation
facility are facing very bad conditions and harsh treatment as the
Israeli Prison Authorities (IPS) continued its attacks and violations
against them.

In a press release, the PPS stated that the facility lacks the basic requirements that could fulfil the minimum needs and rights of the detainees.

The IPS controls the quantities of food and clothes, and even controls when the detainees are allowed to go to the toilet or have a shower.

The facility is overcrowded especially after Israel recently transferred eighty additional detainees to it.

The PPS also said that the detainees are subjected to torture and repeated physical attacks in addition to being repeatedly confined to solitary without any apparent reason.

It is statement, the PPS reported that Israeli interrogators are practicing psychological pressures on the detainees by attacking them physically and emotionally.
The society added that 85% of the detainees have been tortured by the interrogators, and that several detainees became sick but were not provided with the needed medical treatment.

Several PPS lawyers who managed to visit some detainees in Al Jalama said that the conditions are continuously deteriorating there and that the detainees are barred from their basic rights guaranteed by the international law.

The PPS appealed human rights organizations and the red Cross to visit Al Jalama and have a close look on the conditions of the detainees, and the brutal treatment they are subjected to.