The Salah Ed Deen brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance
Committees claimed responsibility of shooting an Israeli soldiers near
Qabatia town, south of Jenin, in the northern part of the west Bank. An
Israeli military sources reported that the soldier was injured in his

Israeli military sources reported that the soldier was with a convoy en route to an accident scene to assist rescue efforts after a military Humvee vehicle flipped over, Israeli online daily Haaretz reported.

As the second jeep arrived to the accident scene, fighters opened fire at it and injured one of the soldiers in his head.
The injured soldier was air-lifted to Rambam Medical center in Haifa.

The army carried a wide-scaled search campaign in the area in an attempt to locate the shooters.

Israeli Jerusalem Post online daily reported that the injured soldier is a member of the Lavi Battalion; he was injured “during a routine arrest raid in Qabatia”.

The Jerusalem post added that Palestinian gunmen opened fire at a military force and injured the soldier; another soldier was mildly injured in the attack.