Palestinian sources reported that Palestinian aged woman died after
Israeli army fire a sound bomb into her house in the northern West Bank
city of Qalqilia on Tuesday morning.

Latifa Miskawi, 57, died after having a hart attack when Israeli troops invading Kfar Saba neighborhood in Qalqilia fired a sound bomb into her house, medical sources in the city reported.

Soldiers surrounded the neighborhood and started to throw sound bombs and fire live rounds at residents' houses before searching and ransacking them, troops also confiscated TV sets and electrical equipments from the searched homes, eyewitnesses reported. Latifa son Mohamed was killed by an undercover Israeli army force in 2003, army clamed that he was a fighter with Aqsa brigades of Fatah.

On Tuesday at dawn Israeli army stormed the village of Azone east of Qalqilia city and abducted four men after searching and ransacking scores of houses in the village.