The United Nations Security Council is expected to vote Saturday on a
bill that condemns all forms of violence against journalists in areas
of armed conflict, calling for the respect of journalists’ job. Such a
move came after the Security Council’s member states agreed Friday on a
the final draft that is likely to be accepted unanimously.

If passed, such a resolution would be the first of its type, dealing specifically with journalists amidst armed conflicts, considering them as civilians ‘unless they act differently’.  The draft includes also a deep concern over frequent attacks on journalists in different parts of the world, regarding such actions as a ‘blatant violation of the international humanitarian law’.
The draft calls on all parties of conflict worldwide to respect the journalists’ mission and rights, in a way that prevents any violation of the international humanitarian law with regard to protection of civilians.  According to Reporters Without Frontiers, 81 journalists were killed in 2006, more than 40 of whom were killed in Iraq alone.

In the occupied Palestinian territories, at least 9 journalists including internationals have been killed by the Israeli army since the outbreak of the Palestinian uprising (Intifada) in September2000.