The Ramattan News Agency reported on Sunday that a prisoner
swap deal that would see the release of hundreds of Palestinian
detainees imprisoned by Israel is expected to be declared during a
summit between Israel’s Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, and the Egyptian
President, Hosney Mubarak this week.


Senior diplomatic sources informed Ramattan that details of the prisoner-swap deal will be declare during the Abbas-Olmert summit in Sharm Al Sheikh Egyptian report by the end of this week.

Hundreds of detainees are expected to be release in exchange of the release of the captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit held by three Palestinian resistance factions since June 25.

According to the sources dozens of child and female detainees will be freed from Israeli prisons and detention facilities.

Other Palestinian sources revealed that a large number of detainees who are sentenced to high terms, several lifter-terms and those who are involved in killing Israelis will be released in this deal.

The deal does not include any terms regarding the release of detained legislators and ministers who were abducted and taken prisoner by the Israeli troops.

Ahmad Yousef, an advisor to Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya, told Ramattan in a phone interview that reports on the release if 1420 detainees by the beginning of New Year are false.

Yousef added that he hopes that the coming four weeks will see a solution to the current crises, and will see the start of releasing detainees.