Israeli soldiers, supported by a number of military vehicles and jeeps,
invaded the Old City of Nablus, in the northern part of the West Bank,
and clashed with dozens of residents and resistance fighters.

Local sources reported that Palestinian fighters used roadside explosives against the invading forces, no injuries were reported.

According to Palestineinfo news website, run by Hamas, resistance fighters destroyed one of the invading vehicles seriously injuring one soldier; Israel did not report any injuries among its troops.

Troops broke into several houses and occupied rooftops watching them as watching towers while military bulldozers bulldozed shops in the area.

Earlier on Friday, soldiers invaded Atteel town, near Nablus, and broke into the house of an Islamic Jihad member in an attempt to arrest him. The member was not at home but soldiers took four of his neighbors prisoner.

Soldiers fired rounds of live ammunition and hurled stun grenades at the house before breaking into it. The member soldiers were attempting to abduct was identified as Abdul-Mo'ti Hasan.