The Israeli government announced that it will approve a new plan to build 3000 settlement units throughout occupied West Bank, the Quds News Network reported.

Israeli media reported, on Wednesday, that Prime Minister Benajmin Netanyahu said 3000 settlement units, to be built throughout the West Bank, will be approved within the next couple of weeks.

Netanyahu’s statement was made addressing Likud supporters ahead of the party’s inner election, on Thursday, stating that the plan will include the expansion of several settlements.

Illegal settlers in the West Bank are estimated to 670,000, nearly half of whom live in occupied Jerusalem, in violation of international law.

The US secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, recently announced that the US does not consider the settlements illegal anymore, reversing the US’ longstanding policy on Israeli settlements.

International Criminal Court prosecutor, Fatou Bensouda announced, last Friday, that the ICC will launch an investigation into Israeli war crimes in the West Bank, and Gaza.

Photo: Palestine News Network
Edited for IMEMC: Ali Salam