The Israeli forces, on Tuesday morning, abducted seven Palestinian men among them three from the same family during a house to house search campaign in several parts of the southern West Bank city of Hebron and neighboring villages.
Local security sources reported, that Israeli troops took prisoner three residents during a house search campaign in the old town part of the city of Hebron, the three were known as; Rassem Al Muhtaseb, 21, Mos\\\\\\\’ab Al Hashlamon, 18, Ateef Abu Sinanah, who works as a Palestinian security officer in the city.

Troops also gave Badier Al Mohtaseb military order for an intrviow with the Israeli intelligences office in the nearby Kifar Atzion military post. The army clamed that they attacked the houses after Palestinian youth throw stones at a military post in the old town of the city.

In the meantime the Israeli army invaded Beit Samit village, south west of Hebron and abducted for Palestinian men after searching and attacking residents houses, local sources identified the four as; Hamdi Abu Znid, 43, Ibrahim Al Ihrob and two of his brothers Isma\\\\\\\’el and Mohamed

In the village of Surif near Hebron troops stormed the houses of Mohamed Al Qadi, 23, who works in the village municipality, the family reported that after soldiers trashed the houses they left and took Mohamed with them to unknown location.

The search campaign included also several houses in the village of Surif, local sources added. The number of residents abducted by the army has mounted up to 29, 18 were abducted from central and northern parts of the West Bank while the rest from the southern parts of the West Bank.