Palestinian Prime Minister from the Hamas party, Ismail Haniyya, stated on Friday that a deal on the release of the captured Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, is a complex and difficult issue that will require additional work, Israeli online daily, quoting the army radio, reported.

The London-based Al Hayat newspaper reported that Abu Mojahid, media spokesperson of the Popular Resistance Committees, one of three groups holding Shalit captive since June 25th last year, said two weeks ago that Shalit will only be released when Israel frees 1000 detainees.


Abu Mojahid added that the fighters are “willing to keep in their hand for several years, and that he will not be freed until their demands are met.


Abu Mojahid added that Shalit is receiving good treatment in accordance to the Muslim standards for treating prisoners of war.


Meanwhile, PM Haniyya said that he hopes that the differences and disagreements between Fateh and Hamas movements will be resolved soon in ongoing talks.


Responding to a question as to whether Hamas would engage in peace talks with Israel, Haniyya said that it is too early to say.