Six Palestinians were killed in the Gaza Strip on Sunday as the clashes between the rival Fateh and Hams movements continued, raising the death toll in the fourth day of severe clashes to 26. Several members of the two movements were abducted by gunmen of both sides. The internal clashes continued despite pressures from several Arab countries as there efforts appeared to have no effect on the ongoing deadly clashes.


Dozens of members of the two movements were abducted, among them Brigadier General Sayyid Sha’ban, the head of National Security Forces in central Gaza.


Also, an unknown armed group abducted two teenage children of a Fateh colonel and threatened to kill them both if Hamas abductees, in the hands of Fateh gunmen, were not released.


The WAFA news agency reported on Sunday night that severe clashes took place at the Preventive Security headquarters, in Tal Al Hawa area, west of Gaza Strip.


The clashes took place between members of the Hamas-formed Executive Force, the Al Qassam brigades from one side and members of the Preventive Security force dominated by Fateh movement.


The clashes caused excessive damage in several properties, especially the Preventive Security building that was shelled with missiles and bullets. Several surrounding houses were also hit.


Moreover, the Hamas run website, Palestineinfo, reported that Fateh gunmen killed one member of the Al Qassam Brigades, in Khan Younis, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip.


According to the website, Fateh gunmen abducted two youths from Khan Younis, took them to an unknown destination and killed one of them.


The casualty was identified as Omar Sharab, 22, he was shot with one round in his head.


The website also reported that Fateh gunmen abducted Fayyad Al Aghbar, member of the northern West Bank City of Nablus’ municipal council.


Also, the Maan News Agency reported on Sunday that three residents were killed and eight were injured in the Gaza Strip earlier on Sunday.


The three were identified as Omar Sharab, 22, member of Hamas, Ala’ ‘Oleyyan, 19, and Ahmad Al Ghandour, 40.


Also, Tariq Nasrallah, member of the Hamas-formed Executive force was killed in Gaza City.


In separate incidents, Fateh movement accused Hamas of abducting Abdul-Salam Al Qassas and his companion Eyad Al Haddad. Al Qassas is a senior member of the Al Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fateh.


One Palestinian policeman was injured in Gaza’s Al Shujaeyya neighborhood after gunmen fired at a police station.


On Sunday at night, unknown gunmen placed an explosive charge at the Fateh headquarters in Beit Hanoun, in the northern part of the Gaza Strip. The explosion caused excessive damage.


Also in Gaza, gunmen abducted the head of the Preventive Security, Khamis Al Ajouz and his nephew.


Three other security officers, who were abducted earlier, were released.


On the political level, Palestinian Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya, agreed to participate in a meeting with an Egyptian security delegation trying to mediate between Hamas and Fateh.


Egypt’s Intelligence Chief, Omar Suleiman, sent a message to Fateh and Hamas asking them to end the clashes, and lay down their arms.  


An Egyptian delegation to Gaza met with representatives from Fateh and Hamas in addition to representatives of other movements, in an effort to stop the ongoing clashes.


King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia invited on Sunday leaders of Fateh and Hamas to hold reconciliation talks in Mecca.


President Mahmoud Abbas, from Fateh, and Prime Minister, Ismail Haniyya, from Hamas, accepted the invitation.