Palestinian sources in Nablus, in the northern West Bank, reported that a massive Israeli army force invaded the city, injured one man and abducted at least another ten on Tuesday morning.
Israeli troops, armored vehicles and one bulldozer stormed downtown Nablus and the old city, surrounded a number of homes and searched and ransacked them before abducting the ten men.

Local sources reported that among those abducted were Samir Al Kharaz 23, his brother Sharif, 24, Mohamed Yamen, and his brother Rami, Afif Hassunah, 24, and his brother Mohamed, 26.

Medical sources in the city reported that one man was injured when Israeli soldiers attacked a shopping mall in downtown Nablus, eyewitnesses stated that the injured man along with another three men were abducted by the forces. No names were issued at the time of this report

All detainees were taken to an unknown military detention camp, sources in the city added.