The Israeli army has abducted seven Palestinian men during morning invasions into several part of the West Bank on Thursday.
On Thursday morning Israeli army forces invaded the villages of Al Shawoura and Taqua, to the east of Bethlehem city in the southern the West Bank. Another force attacked Aida refugee camp in the northern part of the city, four residents were abducted.

Muhaned Salem was abducted from Al Shawoura village when Israeli troops surrounded his house, forced his family out then searched and ransacked the house. He was taken to an unknown location, his family reported.

Elsewhere in the nearby Taqua village Israeli army units attacked the house and the shop of Talep Jibril; attacked and searched both places before leaving and taking Jibril with them, local sources reported.

On Thursday at dawn Israeli armored vehicles and troops stormed Aida refugee camp located in the northern side of Bethlehem city, soldiers searched and attacked scores of houses in the camp and abducted two teenagers.

The two were known as Hatim Al Dibes, 18, and Omer Izbah, 17. Both were taken to unknown detention camps, their families reported.

The town of Abu Dees, east of Jerusalem in the central West Bank, was also invaded by the Israeli army on Thursday morning; soldiers attacked and searched the house of Farouk Halabia, 19, then abducted him.

Sources in the town stated that Halabia was released from Israeli army detention centers a few months ago after spending 19 months in administrative detention.

In a separate incident, the Israeli army released Islam Khalaf, 15 a resident of Abu Dees after he spent three months in an administrative detention facility, his family reported.

Two Palestinians were also abducted from the northern West Bank city of Nablus and the nearby Balata refugee camp on Thursday at dawn.

Troops and armored vehicles stormed downtown Nablus city and the nearby Balata refugee camp, forces conducted a wide scale house-to-house search campaign before taking Ahmad Kitawi and Hussam Abu Mustafa from Balata refugee camp to an unknown location, eyewitnesses reported.