Israeli police has abducted a number of Palestinian high school students and injured some others in the old city of Jerusalem on Saturday morning.
The school students organized a protest against controversial demolition near the Aqsa mosque near Al Mugrabi gate.

Eyewitnesses reported that police officers fired tear gas sound bombs and rubber coated rounds at the students injuring some, also troops abducted a number of the students and took them to a nearby detention facility sources in the city reported.

Israeli police restricted access to the Al Aqsa Mosque in the Old City of Jerusalem for the fifth day, allowing only Muslim men over the age of 45 with Israeli identity cards and Muslim women to enter the Mosque compound.

The previously tight restrictions were strengthened on Sunday, then again on Tuesday morning before Israeli bulldozers started demolishing the bridge to the Mugrabi Gate, one of the main entrances to the Al Aqsa Mosque.