Cairo will be passing a bill at the upcoming Arab Foreign Ministers meeting, due to be held shortly, condemning in the strongest terms underway Israeli digging around the Al-Aqsa mosque of Jerusalem, Hani Khallaf, Egyptian deputy-foreign minister for political affairs revealed Saturday. A statement by Khallaf read “ the Israeli schemes regarding Jerusalem have been intended at transforming the holy city into a Jewish-oriented place by constructing a synagogue near the Al-Aqsa mosque’s western wall as well as digging a tunnel between the Solomon Cave and the Bab Almagharba gate”.

The Cairo’s bill involves three points; surveying the Israeli schemes, contributing to the Jerusalem Fund, foiling any Israeli attempts to transform Jerusalem.

Alkhallaf made clear that the Arab states will coordinate with the UESCO, the ESESCO and other relevant organizations to work out possible joint mechanisms to block the Israeli transformation plans in the holy city, particularly the Al-Aqsa mosque.

The Israeli authorities have been recently embarking on digging around the Al-Aqsa mosque of Jerusalem, exposing such a holy ancient site to likely collapse. Israeli excavations have generated local and international criticism, given the fact that mosque is the third holiest Islamic site.