Palestinian medical sources in Qalqilia, in the northern part of the west Bank, reported on Saturday that one resident was shot and injured by Israeli military fire in the nearby village of Azzoun. Soldiers, supported by several armored jeeps,invaded the village and clashed with dozens of youth who hurled stones at the invading force.Palestinian medical sources in Qalqilia, in the northern part of the west Bank, reported on Saturday that one resident was shot and injured by Israeli military fire in the nearby village of Azzoun. Soldiers, supported by several armored jeeps,invaded the village and clashed with dozens of youth who hurled stones at the invading force.

One resident, identified as Nadi Mofeed Radwan, 19, was shot by a live round in his left thigh. He was moved to a local hospital.

Also, soldiers barred several ambulances and medical teams from entering the village and detained several ambulance drivers for a short while after closing the village.

On Friday, soldiers invaded the village and took prisoner one resident. During the attack, soldiers barred reporters from taking pictures of the invading forces and also barred them from taking pictures of the abducted resident.

The resident was blindfolded and handcuffed. Two local reporters identified as Mohammad Ithba and Khalil Rayyash, said that a military commander forced them out of the area after stopping a local Taxi, forcing them in it, and ordered the driver to leave the area.

The reporters said that the commander claimed that the youth become more enthusiastic when they see the press and hurl more stones at the army, but the two reporters told the commander that those youth are hurling stones at the army because it is invading their village.

The Army closed Azzoun on Friday evening and barred the residents from entering or leaving it. At least two residents were taken prisoner during Friday clashes, and two other residents were injured.