An Israeli army undercover force abducted a Palestinian child on Monday midday from the southern West bank city of Bethlehem.
Eyewitnesses stated that undercover Israeli masked soldiers using a civilian car sped to the entrance of Duhisha refugee camp located on the eastern side of Bethlehem.

Hamza Hmamda, 16, was standing at the camp entrance when the force took him by suprise then forced him into the car. He was taken to a nearby Israeli military base just outside the city.

On Monday morning Israeli soldiers attacked and injured a Palestinian teen from Al Khader village in the southern part of Bethlehem as he was on his way to school.

Local sources reported that Issmat Salah, 17, was walking to his school when an Israeli army patrol stopped him. Soldiers started to beat him with batons and rifle buts.

Medical sources stated that the boy was moved to the nearby Beit Jala public hospital for treatment after sustaining moderate wounds.