A twelve-year old Bedouin child was shot in the head as she was herding her family’s cattle near an Israeli military base in the northern Negev. The Israeli military police said that it has opened an investigation into the incident.The child was transferred to Soroka Israeli hospital in Be’er Sheva; she is suffering from what was described as life-threatening wounds.

Israeli military sources reported that the girl was brought to an Israeli military base near Kibbutz Orim, in the northern Negev in the early afternoon before she was transferred to hospital.

 The paramedic who treated the girl said that she suffered severe head injuries, an Israeli online daily reported.

 According to this report, it is still unclear whether or not the girl’s family had a permit to for herding in the area. This time of the year marks the start of the herding season and many Bedouin families have complained of a shortage in herding permits.

 According to the Israeli media report, no permits have been issued since 1999.

 A 12-year old child was shot and killed last year when a dud mortar detonated near him as he was herding his family’s flock near keryat Gat in the Negev.