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Israeli army invades Jenin city in the northern West Bank and kills one resistance fighter. In the Gaza Strip internal clashes leave 5 injured, among them children. These stories and more coming up, stay tuned.

The West Bank Update

A massive Israeli force invaded the northern West Bank city of Jenin and Jenin refugee camp, and killed one Palestinian resistance fighter on Wednesday at dawn.

At least 40 Israeli army vehicles and several bulldozers invaded Jenin city and refugee camp from multiple directions. In the refugee camp a group of local resistance fighters from the Aqsa Brigades of Fatah and Al Qudes brigades of the Islamic Jihad, clashed with the invading Israeli troops.

Iyad Abu Hatab, 22, a resistance fighter of Al Aqsa brigades, was killed during these clashes. Medical sources in the refugee camp stated that Abu Hatab sustained wounds in his chest. The sources added that Israeli soldiers did not allow medical teams to assist the man and left him to bleed for several hours, which led to his death.

Later, the Israeli army allowed a local ambulance to take the man to Jenin Hospital in the city.

In the meantime another Israeli force invaded Barta’a village west of Jenin city. Soldiers searched and ransacked several houses then an army bulldozer demolished a car wash, a greenhouse and an animal shed. When local residents and owners of the facilities tried to remove their belongings from the area, the Israeli soldiers attacked them with batons and sound bombs. No injures were reported, eyewitnesses said.

Also on Wednesday at dawn the Israeli army invaded several West Bank cities and towns and abducted at least 33 Palestinian civilians.

18 of those abducted were from the northern West Bank city of Qalqilia. Two were taken from Nablus city in the northern part of the West Bank, while in the southern part of the West Bank seven were abducted from Hebron city and six from Bethlehem city.

The Gaza strip Update

Palestinian security sources reported Wednesday that six Palestinian residents of Gaza City have been shot and wounded during a drive-by shooting in the city in the afternoon. The sources said that unknown gunmen driving past the square in central Gaza City sprayed the car of Iyad Al Shinbari, a Qassam Brigades activist of Hamas, with a round of live bullets, wounding him, two of his children and his wife. The sources added that two bystanders were also injured in the attack.

Medical sources reported that all casualties were admitted to Al Shifa hospital in Gaza City, where their injuries were described as moderate.

Also on Wednesday afternoon, unknown gunmen opened fire at a tent set up by local Palestinian journalist to host a protest against the kidnapping of British journalist, Alan Johnston. Medical sources reported that six people were injured in the attack, among them two children who sustained critical wounds.

On Wednesday midday Palestinian medical sources stated that three resistance fighters, affiliated to the Al-Quds Brigades of the Islamic Jihad movement, were injured when an Israeli helicopter fired at their car in Beit Lahiya in the north of the Gaza Strip.

The sources said that two were seriously injured, and the other two were moderately injured.


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