The Al Aqsa Brigades, the armed wing of Fateh movement, vowed on Wednesday that it would retaliate to the recent Israeli attacks and the assassination of two of its leaders in the occupied West Bank. The group vowed that its retaliation would also be inside Israel.Abu Tha’er, media spokesperson of the Al Aqsa Brigades, said that the Wednesday dawn assassination of Eyad Mazin Hattoub, 21, in Jenin, and the Tuesday dawn assassination of Mohannad Mresih, In Nablus will not pass without retaliation.

Nablus and Jenin cities are in the northern part of the West Bank.

Abu Tha’er added that “what happened in Jenin and Nablus shows the world that the Zionist Israeli government is a government of killing and destruction”, the statement reads, “It carries its crimes without penalties, encouraged and defended by the United States”.

The groups stated that its retaliation will not be limited and would include dispatching suicide bombers into Israel. “We will not be stopped by borders, and the Israeli occupation will witness the fire of its fighters, and the sucide bombings”.