“I have been kidnapped from home and I have been elected in free and fair elections, This court is not entitled to charge me with anything,” Dr. Omar Abdel Razik, told the Israeli judge at Salem Military court when he asked him to comment on the charge against him of being member of the “Change and Reform” bloc of Hamas, on Wednesday.“I have been kidnapped from home and I have been elected in free and fair elections, This court is not entitled to charge me with anything,” Dr. Omar Abdel Razik, told the Israeli judge at Salem Military court when he asked him to comment on the charge against him of being member of the “Change and Reform” bloc of Hamas, on Wednesday.

Dr. Abdel Raziq was brought to the court with his legs bound. The 47-year-old Member of Parliament was kidnapped during the 2006 Israeli attacks against members of the elected Hamas government.

IMEMC was in the courtroom where 14 Palestinian MPs and Ministers had their sentences extended again, this time until 12 June, bringing their imprisonment to nearly a year.

MP Yasser Mansour was in a cage in the courtroom after being transported from Majido Prison, clearly ill. His parents looked on in horror while Israeli guards and prosecutors were seen exchanging winks.

The wife of Hamas political leadership member, Adnan Asfour, refused to be strip-searched before entering the courtroom. She was only allowed to pass upon the intervention of a lawyer. Parliament member Imad Nofal’s wife made the trip from Qaliqilia. Israeli guards forced her to remove her scarf, in violation of her religious rights.