As Israeli forces invaded Beit Forik town, east of the northern West Bank city of Nablus, dozens of Palestinian youth clashes with the invading forces who fired live rounds and rubber-coated bullets, injured one child and demolished one house. Several residents suffocated after inhaling gas fired by the army, while others were injured by rubber-coated bullets.Monadil Hanani, member of the Central Committee of the National Struggle Front, stated that soldiers, supported by dozens of armored vehicles, invaded the town on Friday evening and clashed with the residents who hurled stones at them, several residents were injured.


Medical sources in Nablus reported that one child identified as Mohammad Eyad Hanani, 15, was among the injured residents.


Local sources reported that soldiers also broke into several houses and searched them, damage was reported.


Also, Israeli military bulldozers demolished the house of Fadi Rajih Hanani after claiming the armed resistance fighters were hiding there, and that the fighters opened fire at the army.


Eyewitnesses reported that several residents suffocated after inhaling gas fired by the invading forces. Several other residents were injured by rubber-coated bullets randomly fired by the soldiers during the ensuing clashes.


Troops withdrew from the town and headed towards their nearby Huwwara military camp.