On Saturday midday a number of Israeli army vehicles along with one unmarked vehicles invaded the down town Bethlehem city in the southern part of the West Bank and abducted two residents.

The force stopped a bus then forced people out said, soldiers took ID cards of the passengers and checked them, two local youth were then forced in an army vehicle and were taken away, eyewitnesses reported. The two men were known as Ihsan Al Assa and Na’em Al Assa, both from Obadiya village, located to the east of Bethlehem city

Several army jeeps droving around in the city and the two nearby towns of Beit Sahour and Beit Jala, residents stated that the military jeeps caused traffic and used loud speakers to harass people.

After some time the Israeli force stormed the village of Obadiya of and surrounded the house of Mohamed Radaidah and abducted him. Also soldiers searched and ransacked the homes of the two youth that were abducted earlier from Bethlehem.