Undercover forces of the Israeli army assassinated on Saturday evening three fighters of the Al Aqsa brigades, the armed wing of Fateh, and the Al Quds Brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad. The troops ambushed them near a school located between Jenin and its refugee camp, in the northern part of the occupied West Bank.The three fighters were identified as Abbas Ghalib Al Damj, 21, from Jenin refugee camp, Ahmad Mohammad Al Aiasa, 21, from Sanour village, and Mahmoud Afif Sarhan Jalil, 24, from Jenin refugee camp. Jalil is one of the leaders of the Al Quds Brigades, while Al Damj and Al Aiasa are members of the Al Aqsa brigades.  

Falasteen Turkman, an eyewitness, reported that the undercover forces ambushed the three fighters as they were driving near Al Zahra’ school, and opened fire at them.

Another eyewitness, identified as Mahdi Al Sheebany, said that the under-cover forces could have easily captured the three fighters alive, but chose to assassinate them.

He added that four under-cover soldiers jumped out of a vehicle they were driving and opened automatic fire at the fighters’ vehicle.  

Turkman added that the shooting lasted for several minutes, and that when the forces noticed that Mahmoud was still moving they dragged him out of the vehicle and shot him dead before evacuating from the area.

The under-cover forces withdrew after the army, supported by fifteen armored vehicles, invaded the area and fired rounds of live ammunition.

Medical sources in Jenin reported that the three fighters were shot by several rounds of live ammunition especially in the head and upper body parts.

Hundreds of residents took to the streets and marched in protest to the assassination, while fighters of the Al Quds and the Al Aqsa brigades fired round of live ammunition into the air and called to revenge.

Zakariyya Zobeidy, leader of the Al Aqsa Brigades in the West Bank, stated that this assassination clearly represents the Israeli intentions of military escalation, and added that the brigades will not agree to any talks of truce or ceasefire.

He demanded the Palestinian leaders to stop all contacts with Israel.

Abu Mojahed, media spokesperson of the Al Quds brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, stated that the brigades and all fighters will continue their fight against the Israeli occupation and massacres.

The three fighters will be buried on Sunday and thousands of residents are expected to participate in the funeral.