Under-cover forces of the Israeli army assassinated on Friday evening three resistance fighters in Silat Alharithiya town, west of Jenin, in the northern part of the West Bank.The three fighters were identified as Ahmad Izzat Zyoud, Mahdi Abu Al Kheir Tahaina, both from Silat Alharithiya, and Khalid Saleh Ashour, from Kafer Dan village, near Jenin.

Eyewitnesses reported that an under-cover unit of the Israeli army infiltrated into Al Izba area, west of Silt Alharithiya using two Palestinian vehicles and ambushed the fighters.

As the three fighters drove into the area, they noticed the two vehicles parking there, and exchanged fire with them as more forces rushed to the scene, but the under-cover forces were all over the place and managed to assassinate the three fighters.

The witnesses added that soldiers barred Red Crescent ambulances, and reporters, from reaching the area after totally sealing it off.

Troops immediately evacuated from the area after carrying the assassination, local sources reported.

The bodies of the three fighters were moved to Khalil Suleiman governmental hospital in Jenin. Medical sources at the hospital reported that the three were hit by multiple live rounds in their upper body parts.

Following the assassination, hundreds of residents marched in the streets and chanted slogans against the Israeli occupation.

Fighters of the Al Quds brigades, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad, rushed to the streets and fired rounds of live ammunition into the air, and vowed retaliation.

The brigades issued a press release vowing retaliation and further attacks against the Israeli army.

Muhammad Al Hindi, one of the leaders of the Islamic Jihad movement in Jenin, said that this assassination requires an immediate retaliation from all fighters, especially Islamic Jihad fighters.

Meanwhile, Nabil Abu Rodeina, media spokesperson of President, Mahmoud Abbas, slammed the assassination, and said that this attack is considered a serious escalation that will lead the area into further deterioration.