Spokesperson of Fateh movement in the West Bank, Fahmi AL Za’areer, stated on Friday that any talks about the resignation of president Mahmoud Abbas are unacceptable since Abbas was elected by the Palestinian people in democratic and fair elections.He added that president Abbas is conducting utmost efforts in order to lift the unjust siege imposed on the Palestinian people since he is committed to providing the people with  decent living conditions in spite of the Israeli violations and the international blockade.

 AL Za’areer added that Abbas was elected by the people and that the international community, headed by the Unites Sates, must support him and ease his mission in relieving the suffering of the Palestinians people instead of pressuring him and tightening the embargo.

He also said that the Palestinian Authority was created by an international agreement in accordance to the international law, and that all countries must abide by their responsibilities to ensure the survival of this Authority.

Furthermore, Al Za’areer stated that president Abbas and the Palestinian leadership are explaining the Palestinian position to the international countries since the Palestinians abided by the conditions of the Quartet after signing the Mecca Unity Agreement and after issuing the official statement of the government.

Al Za’areer concluded his statements by expressing the unconditional support of Fateh movement to president Abbas as the leader of the Palestinian Authority, as the leader of the Palestinian Liberation organization and as a leader of Fateh movement.