Palestinian sources reported that a massive Israeli force attacked and searched Palestinian homes in the southern West Bank city of Hebron and near by Halhol town, during the campaign one civilian was reported to be kidnapped by the army, on Monday morning.
Khaldon Al Sharabati, was taken to unknown detentin camp after troops searched his home in the old city of Hebron, witnesses said.

Witnesses added that soldiers ransacked and damaged families belongings during the house to house search.

In other news the Israeli human right group BeitSalem issued a report on Monday stating that due to the continued Jewish extremists living in illegal settlement in and around he old city of Hebron and the army attacks; Palestinians were forced to evacuate 1000 house and 1800 shops located near those illegal settlement posts.

At least 400 Israeli illegal settlers are occupying a large area of this ancient Palestinian city, where about 20, 000 Palestinians are inhabited.

There is a constant massive Israeli military presence in the city, outnumbering the settlers themselves. Not only does this restrict the movement and freedom of Palestinian civilians, it often denies them basic human and legal rights. Settlers in Hebron have attracted much attention to themselves in the past as religious extremists.