The European Union is currently weighing the options to transfer direct financial aid to the Palestinians, especially after some EU countries held meetings with non-Hamas ministers of the unity government. The EU with discuss the direct aid issue during its Brussels meetings on June 18 and 19.Benita Ferrero-Walder, EU External Relations Commissioner, stated on Tuesday the new fund will be run and managed by the Palestinian Finance Minister, Dr. Salaam Fayyad, who is observed by the EU and the United States as moderate.

 The statements of Wallder came after her meeting with the Palestinian Foreign Minister, Ziad Abu Amro, in Brussels.

She stated that she was “encouraged by her talks with Abu Amro, and that she believes that the Palestinian government achieved a progress in fulfilling its obligations.

Several European countries previously stated that they will be willing to deal with non-Hamas ministers of the Palestinian unity government.

Yet, several EU officials stated that the direct transfer of financial aid to the Palestinian Authority will start flowing after the Palestinian government official recognizes Israel , renounces violence, and accepts the previously signed peace agreements.  

In a separate issue, Abu Amro said that the abducted BBC reported, Allen Johnston, is still alive, and expressed hopes that the crises will end and Johnston will be freed “safe and sound”.

 “We have to be patient”, Abu Amro said, “we understand how sensitive this situation is, but it is just a matter of time’.

 Johnston was abducted seven weeks ago by a previously unknown group calling itself “The Army of Islam”.