Israeli forces carried out invasion operations in different parts of the West Bank on Wednesday night. Security sources reported that military operations were executed in the West Bank cities of Qalqilia, Tulkarem and Bethlehem and two Palestinians kidnapped while a third Palestinian was kidnapped at the bridge of King Hussein on the Jordanian border. Sources added that a group of Israeli Special Forces, disguised in Palestinian civilian clothes, broke into a shop in the city of Qalqilia and kidnapped Kamal Khdeer. Khdeer is from Gaza but had been working in Qalqilia for years. In a separate operation in Tulkarem military forces kidnapped a 16 year old Palestinian named Fadi Qadoha and transfered him to an undisclosed detention center. Another Palestinian identified as Ala' Hasan 26, from Bethlehem, was also abducted after being detained for a long time at the King Hussein bridge on his way to Jordan.