Ghazi Hamad, a spokesman of the Hamas government in Gaza, stated that there is a need to re-assess the resistance war and to reset the political agenda. He emphasized the importance of the political cover for the resistance saying that ‘Without political cover the resistance will be weak’
Speaking to the London-based Arabic newspaper Al Qudes Al Arabi on Monday he said that he is no longer the spokesman for the Hamas government, adding that the Hamas movement has a responsibility towards the Gaza residents and should do its best in all respects. He added that the conditions in Gaza are very hard and they form a very heavy weight on Hamas’ shoulders.

Regarding the communication between Hamas and Israel, Hamad said that most of those communications came by Israeli initiative and they were not formal, mostly coming from religious and academic individuals.

He added that some of them were to demand a meeting with the Hamas Prime Minister Isma’el Hanyiah, but the others wanted to talk about the Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit, who was taken prisoner by the Palestinian resistance two years ago. Hamad ended his interview by saying that none of those communications reached the formal level.

Translated by Ghassan Bannoura – IMEMC News Room