One Palestinian, said to be a fighter, has been reportedly killed and two others wounded, when an Israeli warplane fired a missile on a group of people in northern Gaza Strip.
Dr. Mo’awiya Abu Hasanin, chief of the emergency and ambulance department, confirmed today that Ismail Radwan, 22, was killed and two others wounded in the latest air strike.

Witnesses said that the Israeli warplane fired one missile on a group of resistance fighters in the Alqerem square in the northern Gaza Strip town of Beit Lahiya.

This killing brings to 31 the Palestinian death toll, resulting from Israeli army attacks on the Gaza Strip, since the beginning of this week. Yesterday night, Israeli missiles targeted a woman and her son , who happened to be driving a horse-carriage in Beit Lahiya.

Throughout the week, victims of air strikes happened to be civilians, either walking in streets or driving their cars.

In response to such attacks, the local newspaper of Alquds published today that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas warned of resigning in protest of current Israeli deadly attacks.

The paper reported that Abbas sees underway Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, aimless in the shadow of these attacks.

In Gaza, the Palestinian resistance groups vowed retaliation to the Israeli killings a as several homemade shells have been reportedly fired onto nearby Israeli towns, leaving slight damages to public property.

Israeli officials warned yesterday of stepping up attacks on the Gaza Strip, within what Israel says ‘ a bid to stop such homemade shells fire.

Palestinians and Israelis kicked off early this week their final status talks on core issues, following last week’s visit by President Gorge W. Bush to the region.