Israeli forces kidnapped eight Palestinians from different parts of the West Bank overnight Thursday and in the early hours of Friday morning. The abduction campaigns were carried out in the West Bank cities of Hebron, Ramallah and Tulkarem.
Security sources reported that the military kidnapped three Palestinians in a pre-dawn invasion to Zeta town, near the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem and transferred them to unknown detention centers. The abductees were lately identified as: Mohammad Rabah,15, Samer abed al Salam,14 and Mohammad Bariah,18.

In Tulkarem also the army invaded the village of Kufr Jamal and kidnapped a Palestinian. The army carried out a house-to-house search in the area searching for so-called wanted Palestinians, and confiscated properties.

In the southern West Bank city of Hebron, the army invaded Sourif town and kidnapped two named as Mohammad Abu Saleh, 27 and Moneer Abu Fara, 25. The army also invaded the town of Beit Omar, near Hebron. Troops also carried out searching operations in several areas of Hebron city

In a separate operation, the military invaded Sulwad town, north of Ramallah and kidnapped a Palestinian then moved him to an undisclosed detention center. Troops also invaded several parts of the central West Bank city of Ramallah establishing flying checkpoints to check the civilian vehicles.