Hamas movement reported that the Palestinian Security Forces, loyal to Fateh movement, in the West Bank, continued their arrest campaign against members and supporters of Hamas and arrested eight residents on Monday in several parts of the West Bank.The Hamas members and supporters were arrested after the Palestinian security forces loyal to Fateh movement headed by President Mahmoud Abbas sent them summons ordering them to head to the nearest security center for questioning.

Hamas stated that security forces arrested Mustafa Amro Bdeir and Ayman Shahroor from the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem . Both initially were ordered to head to a security center for questioning and were arrested there.

Also in Tulkarem, security personnel arrested Fadi Omayyir and Ra’fat Shahroor, from the nearby Bal’a village. Both are students at Al Najah National University in the northern West Bank city of Nablus.

In Jenin district, in the northern part of the West Bank, security forces arrested Imad Abu Al Haija, the son of Jamal Abu Al Haija, one of Hamas leaders imprisoned by Israel after being scented to nine life-terms.

The security forces also arrested Sheikh Abdul-Elah Daraghma, a senior Islamic official in charge of the mosques in the northern part of the West Bank.

In Qalqilia district, security forces arrested Sheikh Abdul-Nasser Ghanim while he was standing in front of a local mosque. This is the fourth time Ghanim is arrested by the Palestinian security forces.

In Nablus district, security forces arrested Samer Hawwash after he was ordered to head to a security center for interrogation.