Israeli military decided Saturday to maintain a high security alert on Egypt-Gaza border line, in light of continued security warnings, Israeli media sources reported.According to the Israeli army officer, in charge of the so-called southern command, a high alert will remain in effect on the Egyptian-Israeli border lines as well in Israeli areas, bordering Egypt, despite the fact that Egypt has sealed off all its borders with Gaza.

Voice of Israel radio station reported that the state of alert has been declared after a ‘ number of Palestinians have been reportedly infiltrated from Gaza into the Egyptian peninsula of Sinia’.

Israeli military has been concerned over possible Palestinian attacks on Israeli tourists in Sinai, the radio quoted security sources.

Israeli media sources reported today that the Egyptian authorities have recently detained in Sinai 14 Palestinians, while carrying explosive devices.

On January23, hundreds of thousands of Palestinians flooded into the Egyptian territories to bring in essential supplies, amidst a strict Israeli closure of the coastal region since June of last year, when the Islamist Hamas movement took over control over there.

Hamas sources announced today that starting from tomorrow, Sunday, the Hamas-led police forces will cooperate with the Egyptian border guards to seal off the Gaza-Egypt border line, preventing influx of Gazans in and out of the coastal territory..