Spokespman of the U.S State Department, Jhom Mackromk, stated on Wednesday that the American administration will ask for clarifications from Israel with respect to a new settlement project on the occupied east Jerusalem.

‘ the U.S never doubts the commitment by the Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert or the Palestinian Authority’s president for working together fro peace’, Mckromak told reporters in Washington,

However, he maintained that the latest Israeli declared plans to embark on new settlement projects would negatively reflect on underway Palestinian-Israeli peace talks, in a way that would undermine the two-state solution.

The American official added that both sides realize that they have a joint interest in reaching a deal and that the United States will be helping them to keep momentum.

Senior Palestinian negotiator, Ahmad Qurai, slammed today the new Israeli settlement project, which includes building 111 housing units on a settlement based in the occupied east Jerusalem, Palestinians want as the capital of their future Palestinian state.

U.S President Gorge W. Bush, urged both sides last November to conclude an agreement by end of this year, before his term in office comes to an end, realizing a two-state solution based on 1967 borders, of which east Jerusalem is a part.

Despite repeated calls by Washington to Israel since 2003 to halt all settlement activities on occupied Palestinian territories, Israel has been keeping up construction and expansion of settlements.