Palestinian Prime Minister, Dr. Salaam Fayyad, stated on Wednesday that the Palestinians are seeking the establishment of a Democratic Palestinian State, based on law and security, and that this state needs a serious commitment from Israel, the Palestinians, the US, the Quartet, Arab countries and the International Community. Dr. Fayyad added that the state should be open, democratic, based on human rights and religious tolerance.

“In short, we will build a state which will make every Palestinian proud of”, Dr. Fayyad stated, “My government will be a role model for everyone”.

Recently, the US Congress decided to transfer 218 Million US Dollars, out of 555 M, which the American government vowed to transfer to the government of Fayyad in December 2007.

Fayyad said that the role of the United States in the Peace Process is very helpful especially after the Annapolis Conference in November 2006 which helped in resuming direct talks between Israel and the Palestinians under US supervision.

Commenting on the security situation in the West Bank, Fayyad stated that the Palestinian Security Forces are carrying their duties effectively and the people started to feel an improvement in the security situation.  

Yet, he said that this task would not be an easy one unless that Palestinian Authority is capable of creating improvement in the Social and Economical conditions of the residents as nearly 50% of the Palestinian families in the West Bank, and 80% in the Gaza Strip are below poverty line.  

He expressed hopes that the promised donations from the international community and the donor countries will cause a significant improvement in the economical and social situation in Palestine.

During the Donor Countries Conference in Paris in December 2007, the international community vowed to transfer 7 Billion US Dollars in aid to the Palestinian Authority over the coming three years.

The Palestinian Authority declared recently that it intends to implement reform and development plans which will depend on continuous international support and stability in the region.