A Palestinian resistance fighter of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine’s armed wing, was shot dead and another was wounded on central Gaza-Israel border line early on Tuesday.Medical sources identified the killed as Ismail Jadallah as the democractic front confirmed he was killed during an armed clash with the Israeli soldiers, manning the border line.

In a statement, faxed to press, the democratic front and the Abu Errish brigades, an offshoot of Fatah party of President Abbas, exchanged gunfire and hand grenades with the Israeli forces, as the said fighter was shot dead while planting a roadside bomb.

In the meantime, the Salah Eldin brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Resistance Committees, claimed responsibility for firing four homemade shells onto the Nahal Auz Israeli military checkpoint, to the east of Gaza city.

A brigades’ statement read that this attack is a part of what the brigades termed ‘ messages of hell’, in retaliation to the Israeli army killing of Amer Qarmout, a senior leader of the Salah Eldin brigades, several days ago.

Israeli prime minister, Ehud Olmert, gave his army this week a free hand to strike heavily launchers of homemade shells, especially those of the ruling Hamas.

The Israeli army has been imposing a strict closure on the Gaza Strip since Hamas has taken over the coastal region in June of last year.

Media reports suggest that at least 200 Palestinians, including dozens of civilians, have been killed by the Israeli army over the past three months, while two Israelis have been killed due to homemade shells fire in the same period.