Gaza children appealed on Sunday to the  Gazan special envoy to use his leverage

to lift the  Israeli blockade, enforced since June 07 .

The children, gathered on Sunday morning outside of the UN office, where they handed in a written appeal to the envoy's assistant, Mr. Basem aL-Khaldi.

Mr. Basem aL-Khaldi promised to convey the children's concerns to his seniors.

The appeal stated. " there are many cases that need urgent medication, yet our appeals have fallen on deaf ears . We call upon you to make such treatment possible."

AL-Khaldi pledged that the appeal will be submitted to the United Nations Secretary General, Ban-Ki Moon soon.

"The most significant obstacle underway lies in Palestinian divisions, so there should be a solution to this crisis. Recently many parties have repudiated their responsibilities because of political divisions," AL-Khaldi was quoted as saying.

The 'children's campaign' is part of various local activities, aimed at breaking the Israeli closure of Gaza. Yesterday, the local committee for breaking the siege, launched a one-week-long series of protests in Gaza and other world capitals. According to the committee, there are 1500 patients in need of medical treatment at hospitals outside the Gaza Strip, many essential supplies have been made scarce because of the Israeli blockade. Israel has placed a crippling closure on the coastal territory after the democratically-elected Hamas party took over the region amidst a power struggle with Fatah party's President Mahmoud Abbas.